
Awesome TVC's--Old & New !

Some awesome TV commercials collection  , hope you guys enjoy them !

Artificial Intelligence@ MarketZing

Image mentioned in an earlier post , the world around us is changing and changing fast , without us realising the intelligent softwares are taking over what our most important hardware , the brain used to do , that's to think !  like other domains , Marketing is getting or likely to get disrupted too , some off the disruption is already underway and surely some of us have interacted with Chatbots as an example to start with . here is a quick update on some interesting stuff happening around AI and Marketing , some case studies , to showcase the endless possibilities/ disruptions  ahead  How Albert Drove a Harley :: aDgorithms has AI that want to take over entire advertising campaigns , Albert is the AI that interacts with marketeer and asks for info on campaign , desired outcome , TG , geography etc , and Albert takes over the rest , Harley Davidson has done a pilot with Albert in New York with some stunning results , which are a HBR case study now , please read  - htt

Buy(A)namics - Why do we Buy ?

...its an ever interesting topic the dynamics of buying ! termed as B(u)ynamics  Well fact remains that buying these days has no occasions like the good old times ,these days there are 365 days occasions , the festivals/holiday seasons etc  are just one reason for buying More and not the ONLY buying reason like in the past .  So what makes us Buy or Buy MORE ! here is our take on B(u)ynamics ! others have it ! so will have I  ::,classic one that would clearly elaborate this is the recent Iphone/ipad  phenomenon or the good old walkman , you need to be the in thing !  Social Shopping  ! thanks to the influence via social media , need creation has  suddenly become more easier , consumers are more educated and thus as an example the buying of Yoga Mats and Organic Oranges !   buying is like eating out  !:: it happens at the spur of the moment and is completely unplanned these days unless there is a an important occasion like a wedding , travel ,monthly shopping etc . Plastic

Artificial ( intelligence ) Retail

The world around us is likely to change fast , and the new buzz words are machine learning , deep learning , artificial intelligence , the Machines are surely getting trained to do what Humans used to do , soon ;looks like the Human race will have to go back to Hunting again  ( LOL )  Retail will have its fair share off  influence using  the artificial intelligence platform , here are some interesting  pilots underway   Shirt via Photo   -- using  AI ,one will be able to stitch a shirt for  you , from a single photo upload that you have to do on a site -- Imagine the power of this on  ecommerce sites , the return rates should come down , read more about it here - BODYGRAM Https://aitopics .org/tag/Bodygram  The Video is Watching    -- using advanced CCTV retailers are able to study time taken in each section , buying patterns of consumers  , and also of course keep an eye on shoplifting !  Gift for your Mom  : This is a tool that retailers like are using to

Leader As a Challenger !

Its been a while , thought off penning this down for ages , however the "will do later " feeling always was over bearing :) Here we go however :: So when one walks into a strong leadership market , one has  the following choices , continue slow growth which might be  happening , defend against attacks or  go for accelerated growth , go for bust against the attackers ,there by set a new wave of growth ! Here is an account off the approach taken to set the new wave of growth . Start Listening to your Partners /Trade /last mile warriors-- ACT   common feedback was that there was no connect with brand and trade , high handiness  and frequent changes in policies was a given , this was not a great a situation to be in , and had to change , we must have done atleast 150 or more trade , distributors and last mile warriors( salesmen)  meets for recognition , feedbacks etc in the past 2 years , trying to build back confidence , slowly . Pricing was perceived to be premium -

Urban - the Spotlight is here again!

for long rural has caught imagination among brands , be it in marketing or distribution , true rural will still hold potential . while we are still at driving the great rural forays , we sense the time to focus more on Urban is now here again , here is why .... Current trends indicate that most consumer spends of urban categories like high end shampoos ,diapers , sanitary napkins ,high end razors etc are up ! The monsoon led hit on rural continues to bogg down rural spends  Rural advantage of distribution is gone from brands ,as most strong brands in relevant categories have made their presence in deep rural now . Interestingly cars seem to be outperforming motorcycles sales if one were to believe media reports , indicating more urban spends . Urban spends per customer is much higher than a rural consumer , which is a known fact  Multiple channels ( general trade , speciality stores, modern trade , non traditional channels )are emerging in urban, add to all of this the impu

Incredible India = the SUPER rich +the HAVE's +the HAVE NOT's

Watched an international TV show ,point being mentioned was  India is likely to be fastest growing economy in the world , ahead off China  too ! , however in the same breath , they said that the gap between the have's and have not's  is quite large still , And this story has been like this for ages , hasnt it been , while changes have happened , structually the  bottom of the pyramid  is not shrinking and bulging at the middle belly , its the head which is bloating still and that means the rich seem to be getting richer still . India's  super richest class is estimated to be  approx 10 % of population  hold 75 % of the country wealth , which is mind boggling a stat , the pareto principle shudnt apply here , right ! the latest structure of the pyramid is as above , while the figures are a bit of a suspect , lets go with it for the time being . any developing nation will have this disparity in sections of society  , the question is whether we are fast tracking  i