The Great Indian low Penteration Story !
Talk to any marketers in India they would talk about the great Indian penetration story cutting across categories ,sounds like a bit of a paradox .. i) the great middle class debate :: India has an x % of middle class population which is greater than the population off certain countries , thus the potential is big , but you correlate this to the tax payers list then there is a gap , so where is the Indian middle class? remember black money :) ii ) The great telecom penetration story , everyone says that its low and the only way it can go is UP , but what abt the denominator , is it the total population , or just the affordable population base , then the opportunity size wuld come come down for sure , for the time being this is low penetration story is getting more players and the market is expanding for sure but maybe the revenues wud not soon ! iii) The Great Indian retail penteration story :: people throw that 5 % of Indian retail is organised etc , so organised retail has its op...