
Showing posts with the label buy

B(u)ynamics !

..its an ever interesting topic the dynamics of buying ! termed as B(u)ynamics a number of books have been written on this . Well fact remains that buying these days has no occasions like the good old times ,these days there are 365 days occasions , the festivals are just one reason for buying More and not the ONLY buying reason like in the past . So what makes us BUY or Buy more ! here is our take on B(u)ynamics ! others have it ! so i will have it too ,classic one that would clearly elaborate this is the recent Ipod phenomenon or the good old walkman , you need to be the in thing ! u c buying is like eating out ! it happens at the spur of the moment and is completely unplanned these days unless there is a an important occasion like a wedding . travel etc . Plastic money ! more Indian's are surely getting enrolled into credit or debit card lure , numbers in terms of cardholders are low , but are shooting up .As long as it was cash deals alone we were under check...