
Showing posts with the label guide to modern trade

Modern Trade ,the New Market Place

Suddenly Modern trade has become a buzz among most b2 c businesses , no firm that wants to grow big can ignore this segment , so you have fmcg majors , apparel firms , consumer durables , and even Telecom majors focussing on Modern Trade ! So what is Modern Trade ? for starters this is the terminology given to the new day giant retail organisations that have become the new day market place for the Indian consumers , so for example for a brand like Levis , Shoppers stop would be part of the Modern trade account list as Levis retails out of it and contributes a % of its turnover which might be equal to its turnover from say 1000 MBO's ( multi brand outlets ) or more ! The best case study of Modern trade is the P&G and Walmart partnership , which of course has grown to mammoth proposition , at one moment it was known that 30 % of P&G worldwide turnover came from one single entity Walmart ! P&G had its own share of woes with this overdependence , we will discuss that later...