
Showing posts with the label WTP

Blue Ocean in Retail

We have been thrilled by the concept behind the Blue Ocean strategy wave that's hit the management circles , however on delving deeper into it one realises that this is an interesting tool one can use for - - understanding the market opportunities , from consumer need ,how do you work on taking the willingness to pay ( WTP ) up . -finding out who are ur NON consumers in a big way ( when was the last time that this happened ! ) by plunging into the market and see signs that open up non segments and not classical market research driven segments ( for eg : one big segment for Nintendo WII is old aged people which wud have never come out in a normal research ) -drive differentiation up and cost down . -and in the process make competition irrelevant . Its about Winning Without Fighting ! With this in mind lets see whether we can use the blue ocean frame work for creating India's retail blue ocean player who for sometime can make competition irrelevant ( as said blue ocean strategy...