
Showing posts with the label buynamics

Buy(A)namics - Why do we Buy ?

...its an ever interesting topic the dynamics of buying ! termed as B(u)ynamics  Well fact remains that buying these days has no occasions like the good old times ,these days there are 365 days occasions , the festivals/holiday seasons etc  are just one reason for buying More and not the ONLY buying reason like in the past .  So what makes us Buy or Buy MORE ! here is our take on B(u)ynamics ! others have it ! so will have I  ::,classic one that would clearly elaborate this is the recent Iphone/ipad  phenomenon or the good old walkman , you need to be the in thing !  Social Shopping  ! thanks to the influence via social media , need creation has  suddenly become more easier , consumers are more educated and thus as an example the buying of Yoga Mats and Organic Oranges !   buying is like eating out  !:: it happens at the spur of the moment and is completely unplanned these days unless there is a an important occasion lik...

b(u)ynamics -Part 2

..its an ever interesting topic the dynamics of buying ! termed as B(u)ynamics a number of books have been written on this . Well fact remains that buying these days has no occasions like the good old times ,these days there are 365 days occasions , the festivals are just one reason for buying More and not the ONLY buying reason like in the past . So what makes us BUY or Buy more ! here is our take on B(u)ynamics ! others have it ! so i will have it too ::,classic one that would clearly elaborate this is the recent Ipod phenomenon or the good old walkman , you need to be the in thing ! u c buying is like eating out !:: it happens at the spur of the moment and is completely unplanned these days unless there is a an important occasion like a wedding , travel ,monthly shopping etc . Plastic money ! ::more Indian's are surely getting enrolled into credit or debit card lure , numbers in terms of cardholders are low , but are shooting up .As long as it was cash deals alone we were un...

B(u)ynamics !

..its an ever interesting topic the dynamics of buying ! termed as B(u)ynamics a number of books have been written on this . Well fact remains that buying these days has no occasions like the good old times ,these days there are 365 days occasions , the festivals are just one reason for buying More and not the ONLY buying reason like in the past . So what makes us BUY or Buy more ! here is our take on B(u)ynamics ! others have it ! so i will have it too ,classic one that would clearly elaborate this is the recent Ipod phenomenon or the good old walkman , you need to be the in thing ! u c buying is like eating out ! it happens at the spur of the moment and is completely unplanned these days unless there is a an important occasion like a wedding . travel etc . Plastic money ! more Indian's are surely getting enrolled into credit or debit card lure , numbers in terms of cardholders are low , but are shooting up .As long as it was cash deals alone we were under check...

Why Do We Buy More !

Image many times have you been attracted to your neighbourhood retail store and ended up buying extra or MORE than what you had planned for , you walk in for a cold drink , you get a couple of chips packets ,get a shaving razor , get attracted to the latest deo , so a 50 Rs bill would have touched 200+ ,or maybe more if the shaving razor is Gillete Mach 3 ! What was a very organised phenomenon , wherein our mothers would plan and do the monthly buy , the only other major shopping occasions were festival led ,has all changed to random and on demand shopping , thanks to our friendly neighbourhood retail outlet, our purses are surely getting lighter each time we make a visit .Organised retail in one way is surely increasing consumption Don't think Brands are cribbing , for if someone has walked in for cold drinks and bought a shaving razor or vice versa ,as long things sell it should be ok ! so how does this work , here is my take on why are we going thru this , ie on WHY DO...