
Showing posts with the label Smart Tv need

3 W's of Marketing

Good Marketing , is not about just acting on insights as to why are consumers buying your service/product , but also knowing when are they consuming your product /service , or most likely to consume , add to this what are they likely to use/using  your product/service . Example # 1 Lets elaborate this with a simple example , a number of consumers are currently buying  a telecom sim/connection  , for internet usage --( WHY )  --- they consume loads off  internet , anytime now --( WHEN )--- they use internet  mostly for social media interactions --( WHAT ) Example # 2 Smart TVs where introduced in this decade and if we apply 3 W's here( as to why smart TV came up)... This is how it will look... Why - people Want to have a big screen experience especially for movies TV's and other special shows which were ideally available only on mobile phones connected through internet .. When - they would like to use at home especially during leisure hours .....