Getting your Shoppers to Go GA GA !
Well getting your shoppers to GA GA is not very tough to think about but as usual its the execution that is the tough part , but its importance in the current recession times is high , customers itself are becoming scarce ! yes on a relative basis when compared to good old times , say 1 year back ! So here we go with our basic version of what we think can make a difference and generate the GA GA experience , as unlike other sunrise industries retail is a FACE 2 FACE business ( F2F ) , customer interactions is the key . Staff Engagement: being polite, genuinely caring and interested in helping, acknowledging and listening to the customer ( easy to say tough to deliver ! ) Going beyond the normal call of duty : patiently explaining and advising, checking stock, helping to find products, having product knowledge and providing unexpected product quality , it works , we have seen customers coming to stores asking for front end staff by names . Experience: exciting store design and atmos...