Convenience Marketing !
Convenience wud soon,if not already , be as important a driver of business growth ,along with the normal imperatives like customer service ,distribution ,talent etc ..think about it ...convenience is a key factor among consumers for brand and service switch . Convenience USP is basically derived from strong consumer insights ,convenience backed with innovation would be a potent tool which business can leverage for the period that it doesn't get replicated ! The biggest risk of convenience plank is that it's easy to replicate in most cases and involves some extra costs which can be offsetted off if volumes go up due to this . However there are numerous examples to prove ,that prove that it works ,some classic ones are below :: NEED ::the am pm stores ,the 7 /11stores which work on convenience of being open when u need them ! SPACE :: stores which get more traffic due to the fact of them having more parking spaces DELIVERY ::convenience off getting the consumers thru various cha...