Getting your Shoppers to Go GA GA !

Well getting your shoppers to GA GA is not very tough to think about but as usual its the execution that is the tough part , but its importance in the current recession times is high , customers itself are becoming scarce ! yes on a relative basis when compared to good old times , say 1 year back !

So here we go with our basic version of what we think can make a difference and generate the GA GA experience , as unlike other sunrise industries retail is a FACE 2 FACE business ( F2F ) , customer interactions is the key .

Staff Engagement: being polite, genuinely caring and interested in helping, acknowledging and listening to the customer ( easy to say tough to deliver ! )
Going beyond the normal call of duty : patiently explaining and advising, checking stock, helping to find products, having product knowledge and providing unexpected product quality , it works , we have seen customers coming to stores asking for front end staff by names .
Experience: exciting store design and atmosphere, consistently great product quality, making customers feel they're special and that they always get a deal. A simple store design like signage have been proven to increase the conversion ratios !

Expediting: being sensitive to customers' time on long check-out lines, being proactive in helping speed the shopping process. This is a big pain area , customers don't want to wait after shopping ,want a process of fast check outs .
Service Recovery: helping resolve and compensate for problems, upgrading quality and ensuring complete satisfaction. Nothing works than this , if one were to c the track record of all subs on which a service recovery has happened , then one wud c that the customer has come more often and generated more business , this was our experience
According to the research, four in five shoppers will tell an average of three other people about their GA GA experience.

Retailers can generate more GA GA experience by introducing strong mystery audits , training , and suitable rewards backed with highlighting of some outstanding work , the key to delivery on service recovery is the delegation of authority that's been done to the front end to take quick decisions , so the customer doesn't have to wait and go thru further anxiety .

In the current recession time retailers wud be well advised to generate more GA GA experience for the customers , as the power of word of mouth is sure to drive traffic , and this medium wud be anyways lower in cost than the mass media advertising route :) What say ?


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