The Great Indian low Penteration Story !

Talk to any marketers in India they would talk about the great Indian penetration story cutting across categories ,sounds like a bit of a paradox ..

i) the great middle class debate :: India has an x % of middle class population which is greater than the population off certain countries , thus the potential is big , but you correlate this to the tax payers list then there is a gap , so where is the Indian middle class? remember black money :)

ii )The great telecom penetration story , everyone says that its low and the only way it can go is UP , but what abt the denominator , is it the total population , or just the affordable population base , then the opportunity size wuld come come down for sure ,
for the time being this is low penetration story is getting more players and the market is expanding for sure but maybe the revenues wud not soon !

iii)The Great Indian retail penteration story ::people throw that 5 % of Indian retail is organised etc , so organised retail has its opportunity etc ,no one talks that Indian's fascination with the neighbourhood store which still continues ,and is difficult to break .

iv )The great Indian consumption and GDP growth :: don't get to see whether these are growth figures are all inclusive as we are sure thats its not as the gap between the have's and have's not is still not getting bridged ,but must add that its narrowing down slowly .The indian consumption story according to us also restricted to the upper and middle class at its best .

There are more such paradoxes in the Indian market which gets thrown in , how this is low , that is low and why the opportunity is so big ,one thing is sure that this is bringing in all a lot of new players in categories inspite of the paradoxes ,and helps in expanding the market , maybe there is reality to this ,what say?


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