Digital Markets - the Road Ahead

In the New digital world , online markets will display the following characteristics  , 

— the whole world is your market , of course ,the unit economics has to work for u 

— there is nothing like core competency in this world , if u have built a strong platform then u can  use the same to get into multiple categories , so disruption is a little easier across categories .

—come what may , offline  channels will never get fully wiped out 

— like the off line world , making money is finally important in business  , online world cant be just burning money :) 

— brand launches needn’t  have huge marketing budgets always —, influencers , social media , and world of mouth can make or break brands , if you r slightly lucky that is .

—every serious business professional needs to understand the digital worlds and its jargons /kpi’s  , the way offline ways of business  are understood 

— Many brands will attempt to break /disrupt categories , however a few will succeed 

— expecting current big brands in offline space to remain silent and cede space to new digital brands will be foolish ! They will react 

— the digital markets will try to clone offline world using technology , as far as possible .

— there is nothing only online and nothing only offline model , it will be hybrid model mostly 

Your thoughts are welcome ! 


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