Work Myths —Time to Rethink

 Some work  rules which might border on being a "myth" ! , and time for some introspection | rethink  ::

  • Age Barrier for a job   ( old doesnt mean incapable of adding value to a role  , and young  doesnt mean success in a ro
  • Same  industry exposure needed for a role  ( opportunity loss of  a fresh pair of eyes and mind opportunity  ,unless its a technical role ) 
  • Tier 1 Mba needed ( no gurantee for success , tier 2/3 can outshine too) 
  • All presentation has to b in ppt form ( can be handled in xcel sheets with equal impact)
  • All set rules have to be followed ( rules have to b flexible and as per current times ) 
  • sitting late at work , means hard work !
  • high flying Degrees are   important  ( yes for the first few jobs , for the rest your attitude / skills  and performance will matter ) 
please add any any "rules" which needs to be challenged or need a rethink !.  #Cheers to some new ways of  thinking , AC ( after corona) hopefully :) 

 #lessons #learnings #ponder #jobs #leadership #opportunity #success #rulesREthink #workRulesChallenge


Satyam said…
This is a very helpful Content.

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