Happy 2118 -100 years from now-a Peek!

As we walk into another new year 2018 ( time does fly in a bullet train ) , here is a quick take on what could life look on our planet after 100 years 

Earth will be buzzing with population of around 12 billion  from around 7 billion currently , making every resource scarce and fought for or over valued 

Robots vs Humans -  men will do the "thinking" job mostly  , and the robots or AI will take over the "Doing" part.

New Diseases due to increased life span beyond 100 years , will have its own set off challenges , current diseases cure would have been found .

Life Humans will be close/discovered  paths to Immortality or cloning in a big way of human parts and other living beings .One could be immortal by cloning !

Water - recycling from the Sea will be a norm , reverse osmosis will be cheap. Water will be scarce !

Space colonisation- men will be in the midst of  colonisation of  other planets with proper living technologies like oxygen , water production , and holidaying will include trips to other planets ! 

Climate   Changes will make more hotter summers and much more colder Winters 

Land will be limited as usual , leading to large scale reclamation of land from the sea across countries 

tv and mobile phones will be gone in the form and content that we know off ,in the next 10 years itself 

Fuel -the world will be liberated fully from fossil fuels , Solar , Wind , will be omni present and most maybe free then !

Transportation might not be only on roads , ground , under water , but will be underground , in tubes , over water , Air taxis will be all over  , bullet trains will be normal .

Agriculture  productivity  will have to go up dramatically to feed the dramatic increase in mouths , so expect new crops 

Shopping will be technologically done , need/selection  will be done by human minds , delivery will be  by robots 

Education will be still in classrooms , however the digital way of teaching will be advanced , the teachers themselves might not be humans.

Jobs ,  will be in very different from current form , work can happen from any place , will be digital offices , shared spaces , skilled people can have multiple assignments ,salary levels will be in millions ,to account inflation levels then! 

We shall not be around to see the conplete  truth , some changes will be fully on or start in the next decades  , would like to have your views and thoughts on this please 


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