Online brands - Karma Strikes !

its often said that what goes around - comes around , a little while back  it was a mad rush of offline brands trying to get into the online bandwagon , now it seems online brands want to get offline , here's our reading of  the Why ?

  •  online space has  tried its best  bringing experience of buying using technology , however look , feel , touch are all still a gap 
  • Growth cant come only from discounting and burning internet advertising spends , growth  can also come from classical distribution expansion .
  • Online has got stuck with discounting  with a number of consumer, its become a bargain world .
  • do the Omni Channel act ,  offline PLUS online , why give away space to offline competition
  •  for some startups , a differentiation move to keep  investors happy and still interested 😉
  • the offline space is  still the Giant Market Cake , so why not eat a piece of this
  • everyone is doing it , why be left behind ! 
  • Technology advancement is still evolving , Smartphone and thus Apps are still not universal , thus there is a need to capture the non smartphone users 
So the next time you see a store of your favorite online brand , you can guess they are  chasing an agenda either for growth /experience / or some internal reasons !  

looks like for Online brands  Karma has stuck early  for they built their models against offline in the first place  ! 


Anonymous said…
Good Articles..

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