Indian Marketing Mythology !

Here is our take of some great Indian marketing /market myths ::

Great Penteration opportunity ::

The biggest marketing myth of India is the great penteration stories ,any product category is quoted to have low penteration and thus the vastness of the market is shown .Whats missing is the relevance of right TG of population for the product ,when you are aware that a number of Indians still live in rural and are below poverty !Then these opportunities of penteration becomes questionable .( examples ..Indian per capita beer penteration is 0.6 litres US its 100 litres )

There is no doubt that we still have huge mass of population of say middle class consumers that cud end up looking equivalent to certain country opportunities ,whats middle class in India is it comporable to other countries middle class ,would they have same spending powers of other countries ?

Rural Markets ::Most of us tend to think that rural is largely agriculture ,rural consumer have lesser spends than urban ,and rural market has few needs to fulfill ,however things are changing ,agriculture contiunes to dominate ,but non farm contribution is growing too ,the gap between urban and rural consumer spends ,though it remains ,gap is narrowing down .Rural consumers also have needs that are equivalent of urban consumers especially for basic needs say like telecom services etc .

Multiple India's :: Each geography in India will treat a category ,brand/service differently and there is no one India ,the better understanding of geo cuts ,better the execution on ground .

Demographics ::Yes 40 % of India's population is younger than 25 ! Thus another mass of opportnity ,however there is nothing being done to nurture and effectively develop this demographic advantage ,it would be a matter of time that the demographic quotient changes !

more later on Indian Marketing Mythology !


As you said the gap between rural and urban spend pattern is reducing. Internet literacy will help to reduce it faster. India will emerge as economic power house the day it happens. Namo India.

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