Post the Recession gale !
Since we are seeing some signs of recovery in the market , post the recession gale that hit , there would be some consumer behaviour changes for sure for sometime till things change maybe , here is our take of what would happen or must be already happening ::
- consumers would be willing to look at cheaper options rather than the premium positioned ones ,could explain a drop in some premium FMCG brands prices in which switches can be easy say detergents or water
- Debt would be a on the gun point decision only as stability of jobs and emi payment is the question
- Savings and Mutual funds should be back again in fashion
- Spending would be more thought thru and not " for the sake " spend stuff which happened in the hey days
- Consumers would do a lot of peer check or web based info check before hitting a shopping mall / or store
- Value for money deals were anyways a hit ,might be a Bigger HIT ,
- SALE ,SAVE , would be good four letter words for the consumer , like always one might say ..but desire might be bigger this time around !
- Consumers would do the watch and play game .... >>> would be interesting to see some data on these would keep an eye , your views are welcome ,pls