Pixazza - the next big thing

You've heard of e-commerce and m-commerce, but how about v-commece

A company called Pixazza is trying to make images displayed on the web act like a product catalog where anyone can click on an object within the picture to buy it for themselves. How many times have you seen an image and wanted to know where you could buy the products shown? If Pixazza has its way, the entire web could be a giant billboard for products. From their website...

Pixazza is a new platform that allows shoppers to buy products from photos seen on websites of web publishing partners. The unique capability allows these web publishers to generate incremental revenues by "visual commerce" enabling the images that already exist on their website.No wonder Google has already laid its hand on this ! Shop the look , watch this space for more details :: also visit http://www.pixazza.com/ for the next BIG thing in retailing


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