Break the clutter

as a consumer walks in to any large sized store , the 1st step is normally backed with some confusion ,as the consumers seeks direction , thus each good store starts with the store directory ,however this is one small step which eases the consumers .

After reaching the destination the consumer is further confused about where to find the merchandise or the item that's one is looking for he /she is inundated with items on the shelves , the biggest indicator for help at this moment is the Staff ,that's the issue as ones experience of even finding a staff to help is tough .

One thought that can help is maybe some self help touch kiosks that helps consumers to find location , based on "you are here " location indicator ,a lot of shopping decision are made or broken based on the clutter level of your store , and the ease with which one finds ones stuff ,try it , make life easier , and let the consumer find what is needed fast and help them check out faster , by reinventing your store layout if needed , and see the difference it makes to your business


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