
If there is a classic American brand that one loved for its trousers, then maybe its shirts , it must be Dockers , backed with some great advertising ( not much seen in India though ) and a product which could have been a legend ,remember docker khakis .But in India the brand is struggling for sure -falling sales , fast tracked over expansion, plus maybe over pricing of merchandise backed with the retail slowdown has led to its big slip .

The brand is still not as connected with the consumers in India as say the mother brand Levis . The Dockers brand also has seen is extension into accessories , ladies etc too thus moving away from its core segment mens .It had some of the best stores in the country must have cost a bomb running them too , a number of stores are being wound up for sure ! The flagship store in Bangalore has or is on the verge of a closure .

So for a brand that has never seen its fair share of action in the retail market looks like THE END for it soon at least in India , hope it doesn't happen though !


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