Retail Arena ...the new advertising medium !

With organised retail gaining share ,the share figures of organised retail in India are often discussed with figures of 3% or 5 % share , thrown around ,whatever it might be ,brands cutting across categories are realising the power of the footfalls coming in to these outlets and the potential for exposure of their brands.This powerful venue is the RETAIL ARENA .

The traditional approach of retail advertising was the great Kiosk drama , which was led with the standard 5* 5 tent if one may call with a few catalogue distribution, it used to work , until suddenly consumers where tired of it .Point to note that there are enough distractions happening in the arena anyways .

Thus the retail Arena is slowly but moving from a Point of purchase medium into an experience medium .
what are the latest trends / opportunities currently on for advertising in the Retail Arena

Display :
nothing but classical simple display of your product either thru the display of your latest advt or your product in a slightly better produced kiosk , yes the great kiosk drama still continues

Brands are also looking at engaging with customers in the retail arena ,any engagement activity done would still cost a bomb as retailers know that most brands are desperate for space as its a sure shot way of visibility of your brand .The most classical engagement activities done are by high end beauty products which use this route to induce trial of their products .

Space on hire ( SOH ) comes at a cost though , brands are willing to give a bomb to get the right place inside the store or mall to advertise , especially brands that do only in store branding just lap these spaces ! The best innovation that the blog has seen is that of a brand thats uses the trial room effectively to promote their brand of underwear !

of late most retailers have found one more medium to woo advertisers , they have launched own in store TV channels , example Future TV , shoppers stop also has a tie up , its a good medium but most times the music is off so it doesn't seem to give the effect !

Loyalty base
This is a win win advertising or promotional medium as it refines your reach to the exact nature of customers that you seek ,some retailers have a very organised loyalty program running , if you can data mine correctly and negotiate hard ,yes it costs a bomb , as retailers don't look at as a value add to their base but as a revenue opportunity !,you can get great results

This blog believes that brands would soon have to start adding the retail arena to their list of medias when they start budgeting a campaign ,seems minuscule currently or not there at all now , would grow for sure this blog space for the reality as it unfolds . The Power of footfalls is here to stay for sure !


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Indeed, retail arena will be very powerful medium soon. Just like brands compete with each other on TV or other conventional mediums, they would have no choice but get on with this (retail arena) new platform for advertising..dont they say "out of sight is out of mind"
Anonymous said…
Very informative,definitive insights, skillfully blends the overview of retailing.

In store advertising in the retail arena is win-win situation for both retailers and brands/vendors.

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