Small Retail vs Big Retail

We have debated about this , and had our logic about the effect of the impact of Big retailers on small/traditional retailers, I had an accidental impact study done of this phenomenon , on my visit to my home town .My home town a tier II city ,with decent migrant population , has seen the opening of BIG bazaaar , food bazaar etc and as a result a traditional old time retailer ,close to the biggies in terms of catchment , the small Retailer in fact had renovated his store to take on the Biggies , has SHUT SHOP , as he couldnt make match prices being offered although he enjoyed good standing with customers profitability was a concern at such low prices .
Moral :: the impact on Small Retail has one more dimension , type of city and the demographics involved ! what i mean is that , In a tier ii or tier iii city, small retail mite get badly hit , because of limited catchment , less migrant population , and slow development, such cities is likely to be a clear cut case of more fall outs in small retail space !
Small retailers mite not get wiped everywhere , but would be bruised for sure !
Small retailers mite not get wiped everywhere , but would be bruised for sure !