Where are The .......

............Customers ,Some retailers are asking this question , thankfully they are currently in the minority in India , if you have got your location ,the people fit right , store value proposition clearly defined ,backed with a strong loyalty program ,you will have time for your hair to grey ! otherwise it will be tough luck .

Most Indian retailers have time to get their act right , as the % of customers using modern retail is very low , dont have numbers on this , but would be auseful number to know

Customer is a ghost for most Indian retailers ( maybe the same for all Indian Service companies ) ,who appears once in a while and creates /or demands more

Loyalty program is a thing of boardroom discussions but no action , isnt it surprising that the only one of note is the First citizen program of shoppers stop which has evolved to a great extent , lifestyle's inner circle is also on a roll , surprisingly the Pantaloon group doesnt have one yet !!

The Customer is not always right , but the customer is always important ! not many Indian retailers drive this !

Customer understanding is the Key to success of any Retailer as long as there is time spent in understanding them , changing to their needs and rewarding them , then i guess it will be a smooth ride , the ghosts of Customer will not frighten you !!


Anonymous said…
Nice posts on Retail..
Keep it up!
Looking for more intersting stuff on Retail..
Topics on Inventory Management,Security systems etc..


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