9 P's of Modern Retail !

Along with the normal 4 P's of marketing , retail has 5 more P's that play much more importance in success in retail play , The new 5 P's ( registered with eindiaretail ! ) thats been suggested should ideally get broken into specific areas for action /programs .The shift has already begun into the new 5 P's among evolved retailers as the old 4 P's are more less taken for granted these days , go thru any successful retail model , you will find these as the secret behind their sucess .

Retail is all about People, people & people , be it customers or employees , on the employee front ::so much time is spent on this function either in recruiting or in training ! on the customer front retailers do try to differentiate by service delivery , loyalty etc , this is the most critical P

I have included Parking as also an important P( not comparable to People ofcourse ) as it could have huge bearing on individual store performance

So here is the final 9 P's list of Retail ! and its all set to stay without change for a long time !!

OLD ( 4 P's ) :: Product /Place / Price /Promotion

New ( 5 P’s ) :: People /Process /Positioning / Pulse of Customer & Employees/Parking !


Pratik Jagad said…
Good blog. Useful information. I also run a blog on retail covering issues in the US mainly and once in a while on India. Please check it out at your convinience - http://headsoretail.blogspot.com/
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Anonymous said…
This idea has become outdated
Anonymous said…
Hey, just want to say hi. I'm new here.

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