Sir , Mera Walla Property !

India is experiencing , a phenomenon similiar to the Gold rush of the US , the great Indian rush for space in Retail , retailers are willing to cough up money for prime locales , even if the payouts are huge and returns spread over many years ! Space booking has become more of real estate deal than science , what i mean is that,rarely is any study done on the catchment , there is no look at the potential of a market ( other than say the MPV index by RK Swamy , thank god for that !) spends for the category , etc for all this , One has no time for getting the property is more important than getting it rite ! Bigger the better ! my gut is better that His ! its worked in other location ( by pure chance ! ) why shouldn't it work here ,is the modus operandi . Time will tell of the results , but i guess the Indiasn retail market with its virgin stature , will roll over such risks. No one one will know ! may be this blog mite,provide answer to anyone interested 25 yrs from now !

Real estate consultants or brokers or advisors ( if you want to glorify them ! ) are having the last laugh to the bank ! with Mera walla Property , Sir Woh Walla , Woh mkt key saamne!


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