Walk ins !
In the retail business the lifeline continues to be walk ins to offset the high Cost of retail( COR ) , in which retail rent forms a big chunk ,add to it the operating expenses which are quite high ,COR might otherwise gobble your business ,driving Walkins into your store/s have seen over the years great degree of uniqueness , which tend to go beyond the basic " upto 50% discount " sale scream mode , here are some of the routes/ideas Indian retailers have used to get their customers in .. Database ::Knowing your customer and creating a database of your customer would typically mean that you need to run a couple of crores worth Loyalty program ,If you have spent the time & money in doing so then this should hold you in good stead ,the best example of a retailer using this medium is that of Shoppers Stop , which uses its Loyalty program ,First Citizen,to great degree off effect , everyone knows its now famous one day advancement of off sales for its golden glow customer...