
Showing posts from April, 2017

Leader As a Challenger !

Its been a while , thought off penning this down for ages , however the "will do later " feeling always was over bearing :) Here we go however :: So when one walks into a strong leadership market , one has  the following choices , continue slow growth which might be  happening , defend against attacks or  go for accelerated growth , go for bust against the attackers ,there by set a new wave of growth ! Here is an account off the approach taken to set the new wave of growth . Start Listening to your Partners /Trade /last mile warriors-- ACT   common feedback was that there was no connect with brand and trade , high handiness  and frequent changes in policies was a given , this was not a great a situation to be in , and had to change , we must have done atleast 150 or more trade , distributors and last mile warriors( salesmen)  meets for recognition , feedbacks etc in the past 2 years , trying to build back confidence , slowly . Pricing was percei...